The team
Sarah Burdelak
Idea, Photography, Text, Correspondence
Though born 1976 in the Ruhr region in Germany, Sarah Burdelak spent her first years in Toronto, Canada. Back in her native country and after a commercial education she went to Lower Saxony, to be more specific, Hanover. Ever since she discovered photography for herself in 2006 she maintains it as an art form.
Next to her portrait studies Jump and Face Off, which are continued since 2011, her focus is on scenic photography.
Adapted to the basic theme, she also took a little trip to the radio, when she initiated and coordinated the show Die lange Nacht der Fotografie (The long night of photography) together with Georg May, the station's CEO, on Radio Leinehertz 106.5 in Hanover. May and Burdelak also hosted the first show alongside with radio announcer Reinhard Weber in 2013.
After she also published her first book Lauter Linden - ein Bildband (All sorts of Linden - an illustrated book) in the same year and the Hanoverian energy provider Enercity had its brochure "Wärme, Kraft, Nachbarschaft" (Warmth, Strength, Neighbourhood) partially equipped with her pictures, her current work evolves around Lake Maggiore. She already has dedicated the exhibition Prospettive Mira Lago - eine Fotoinstallation (Lake view - a photo installation), three series of postcards and, in corporation with the artist denkraumverzerrung, a three-years-series of calendars to it.
Her activities around Lake Maggiore are continued in the future by publishing the book "Prospettive Mira Lago".
(Author: Torsten Müller)